The Project

NEW: the application form to apply for tenancy is finally ready! Please download it here.

We have developed a non-profit apartment building, Silver Manor, with 30 one bedroom units for independent Seniors. All of the units units are aimed at people requiring affordable housing; BC Housing defines "affordable" as 10 to 15 percent below market rents. The site is at the corner of Reid St. and McNaughton Avenue in North Quesnel. The total project value, including all land, business case development, financing costs, construction, etc., is valued at over $6 million. BC Housing is providing the great majority of the financing. The Quesnel Lions Club, via donations from hundreds of local people and businesses, is the next largest contributor (please see the "Thank you" page here for more information on our magnificent supporters). BC Housing is the BC government agency charged with assisting access to housing in BC (click here to go to the BC Housing website).

Why this project? Affordable housing in Quesnel has been identified by the City of Quesnel and others as a key social need, particularly for Seniors. Please review our Needs Assessment and Plan for more information on the need for the project.


Full speed ahead!

Thanks to support from many parties, Final Approval of BC government financing for the project via BC Housing was achieved in the fall of 2017. The project is now under construction, and we expect to be hosting tenants by the end of 2018!

Here were the key milestones along the way:

  • In 2011/2012, the Quesnel Lions Club consulted with the community on needs, identified and purchased a site in 2012, and started the Quesnel Lions Housing Society (QLHS) to pursue the project.
  • Held discussions with neighbours of the proposed project and others. This consultation process has continued throughout the development process.
  • Held a number of discussions with the City of Quesnel regarding regulatory requirements and support that the City may provide.
  • Researched more than 20 Lions Club housing projects across BC plus more elsewhere in Canada. We did that to gain insight into how to make the Project as successful as we can.
  • Researched recent studies on housing needs in Quesnel to clarify the need for this Project and obtain information on how to design it.
  • Prepared a Needs Assessment and Plan for BC Housing and other financing targets (click here to review that report.)
  • Conducted geotechnical and environmental assessments on the site (no issues were discovered by either study)
  • Applied for major financing support from the BC government.
  • Purchased a neighbouring lot that added 50 percent more land to the project, allowing more parking and lower density on the site.
  • Achieved BC government Final Approval of the project in the fall of 2017, and started construction.
  • Continue to communicate with, and receive feedback from, the neighbourhood and the broader community about the project.
  • Continue the "Buy and brick" campaign for support from the community and community businesses, because every dollar we raise reduces the mortgage, and helps us maintain affordable rents.
  • Develop policy for recruiting tenants and operating the building.
  • Open for temamts in 2019!Please Help




Project concept

See the site plan and first floor layout below (design by Access Engineering and GW Steward Architects Inc.).

 Site Plan as of August 2016

Quesnel Lions Housing Society
255 McNaughton Ave
Box 100
Quesnel BC V2J 0C4
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